In a perfect world, the four food groups would be pizza, ice cream, chocolate and wine.
I don't get the Hasidic Jewish community...they are up in arms and demand police action when someone chalks a swastika on the sidewalk, but they continue to shield child molesters in their clergy. The Catholic church does the same thing. They all need to be held accountable.
Charlie Rangel reelected again despite being 82, out of ideas, and with a raft of ethics charges hanging over his head. We will never progress as a society until people stop voting for candidates because they are the same color and choose them instead for their brains and integrity.
I think intra-city sports rivalries are a good thing up to a point. I'm a lifelong Yankee fan, but if the Mets make it to the World Series, I'll be rooting hard for them. It isn't necessary to hate one team just because you like another. We should stand up for our city no matter who's representing it.

Just heard on the radio about a man in Queens (last name Munoz I think) who in the past few years has cooked and served 70,000 meals for people who need them using just donations from those who care to help. It's stories like this that keep me from being a complete cynic. God bless this angel.
We push kids too fast to grow up. Parents are obsessed with getting their children into "gifted and talented" pre-schools. How can you tell if a kid is gifted when he's still pooping his pants! Give kids a chance to be kids for a while...the cold, cruel world will intrude soon enough.

Who makes toilet paper for commercial rest rooms? They put it on these gigantic wheels and it is impossible to find the end where the paper begins. You sit there like an idiot rolling this wheel around in the hope that somehow the end will become unraveled and you can finally go home.
Ever see toll collectors in action when someone's EZ Pass doesn't work? They move like they were wading through molasses. It takes them forever to make that long trip two toll booths over in their best "I'm here all day so it doesn't matter how fast I work" stroll. Cretins.

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Oh I do LOVE Random Thought posts! So many grumbles, so little time. Today 2 fat asses slowly walked in front of my car (when I had a green light) while stuffing their faces with McDonaldsas they were walking. I wanted to blow the horn right through their GD french fries.
Grumbling keeps me from more drastic action.
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